We are committed to protecting our environment

Our business uses the Freshcare Australian Wine Industry Standard of Sustainable Practice – Winery Standard and the Sustainable Winegrowing Australia program, to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability for the benefit of our environment, our business, our community, and the Australian Wine Industry.

We demonstrate this by our commitment and compliance to the requirements of the Freshcare Australian Wine Industry Standard of Sustainable Practice – Winery Standard and the Freshcare Rules; Sustainable Winegrowing Australia; and legislative requirements; to ensure we safeguard the natural environment in which our business operates.

We have developed a Sustainability Action Plan to help guide continual improvements and outcomes in sustainability within our business.


We inform all our workers of our business’ commitment to Sustainability and review this statement annually in conjunction with the Sustainability Action Plan. 

Participation in this program will see our business strive to achieve the following Sustainability targets:

  • The continuation and improvement of sustainable avenues for recycling and reusing waste generated

  • The development, and improvement, of all sustainable practices onsite to minimise the environmental impact of producing our wine

  • Increase the sustainability of our woodlot/irrigation area and ensure water used in this area does not have a negative environmental impact.

About the Woodlot

We send an average of 73,000 Kl of winery wastewater to the Woodlot site for reuse each year.

We have planted 4,800 Platypus Gum and Red Gums trees over 13 hectares.

4.3 hectares for crop irrigated with a travelling irrigator (crop once per year)

8 hectares for crop irrigated with sprinklers (crop once per year)

Our Testing Program

We have a full testing program to ensure the wastewater application does not negatively impact the soil/plants of the irrigation area.

We test the wastewater monthly and annually test:

  • The crop that is harvested,

  • Various areas of the soil the wastewater is irrigated to

  • Tree bark and leaves were initially tested and will be again when they are harvested (not for a few years yet)


Our Environmental Protection Agency-Approved Plan.

The objectives of our Wastewater Irrigation Plan are as follows:

  • Utilise winery wastewater for the production of summer and winter cropping and timber for harvest and reuse

  • Maximise organic carbon, nutrient and salt removal through the growth of suitable crops and the application of suitable cropping practices

  • Minimise soil degradation and damage by using sustainable irrigation application rates, based on soil limitations and crop requirements

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